Trapped, trapped, trapped ’till the cage is full

I’m the kinda person who likes to watch series. So summertime is not a particularly good time for me, as most of the things I watch go on holiday, and I’m left longing for autumn with one more reason under my belt.

While checking twitter one night, I saw Lena Dunham (the chick who produces and plays in Girls) saying something about Orange Is the New Black.


It’s a new netflix original, and if that is not something that catches my attention, the fact that it’s created by Jenji Kohan did. That’s the chick that created Weeds. This one’s a witty comedy/drama about a young woman who goes to prison. The first season is very well built, each episode giving out enough to want you to come back for more.

Big plus, catchy catchy credits tune specially made by Regina Spektor. I don’t really like her music,  but a few songs, I love. And this one falls in to the latter category. Probably cause it fits the series so well.

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